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Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 70

"Being who I am means everything bad can happen": Chronic structural stressors in trauma focused therapy sessions with marginalized adolescents

"G-d, in you I trusted, let me never be ashamed": shame and sexual abuse among Orthodox Jews

A systematic review of written exposure therapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress symptoms

A three-phase process model of posttraumatic stress disorder and growth: understanding the mechanisms underlying posttraumatic reactions

Adverse childhood experiences, cognitive functioning, depression, and anxiety in adulthood

Anxiety sensitivity, finding the body, and posttraumatic stress disorder in suicide-bereaved treatment-seeking adults

Betrayal trauma and somatic symptoms among patients in a medically underserved primary care clinic

Breaking the cycle: mentalizing moderates and mediates the link between childhood sexual abuse and satisfaction with adult romantic relationships

Can the Phoenix still rise? Traumatic effect of Beirut port explosion on Lebanese people's experiences

Challenges and reactions of families of women survived self-immolation: a qualitative study in western Iran

Childhood trauma and psychopathy: the moderating role of resilience

Childhood traumatic experiences and complex posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese adolescents: the mediating role of attachment

Cognitive reserve moderates the relationship between childhood maltreatment, objective and subjective cognition, and psychosocial functioning in individuals with first-episode psychosis

Coverage of child maltreatment in undergraduate psychopathology textbooks

Distinguishing between Iranian adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder and high and low depressive symptoms: the role of cognitive and emotional variables

Do appraisals of military service indicate current distress in aging Vietnam War combat veterans?

Early predictors of prolonged grief among bereaved trauma survivors 8.5 years after a terrorist attack

Effects of generational age on religious coping and psychological outcomes in females exposed to interpersonal violence

Exploring false negatives in self-reported trauma exposure status

Exposures to potentially psychologically traumatic events among Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Feasibility of a family-involved intervention to increase engagement in evidenced-based psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study

Health care utilization, productivity losses, and burden of adverse childhood experiences in Singapore: findings from a national survey

Historical trauma and polysubstance use in Black young adults: the role of contemporary racism

How immigration detention harms children: a conceptual framework to inform policy and practice

How well does the Index of Race-Related Stress-brief function in a trauma-exposed Black community sample? An item response theory examination of discrimination and difficulty parameters

Interplay among attention, appraisal, and memory bias in provisional posttraumatic stress disorder: exploring the combined cognitive biases hypothesis

Latent profiles of social reactions to sexual assault disclosure among bisexual women

Measuring childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder: Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the City Birth Trauma Scale (City BiTS)

Microbiome signature of posttraumatic stress disorder and resilience in youth

Moral injury appraisals and complex PTSD in refugees: a longitudinal study

Morally injurious events and posttraumatic embitterment disorder in U.K. health and social care professionals during COVID-19: a longitudinal web survey

Negative posttraumatic cognitions about self potentially mediate the relation between sexual revictimization and suicide risk in a sample of military sexual assault survivors

Peritraumatic tonic immobility and posttraumatic symptoms among LGBTQ+ versus straight cisgender female sexual assault survivors

Physical, mental, and behavioral health after adverse and benevolent childhood experiences: A comparison of two adversity conceptualizations

Pilot of a text messaging system to monitor caregivers' and children's mental health recovery after pediatric traumatic injury

Positive associations between potentially morally injurious experiences and alcohol outcomes in college students: results from a dominance analysis

Posttraumatic growth experiences of North Korean adolescent refugees living in South Korea: a qualitative case study

Posttraumatic growth in women after a childbirth experience: the influence of individual characteristics and intrusive and deliberate rumination

Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and posttraumatic growth among college students with a history of childhood maltreatment in China: a latent profile analysis

Prevalence and concordance of International Classification of Diseases-11th Revision and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fifth Edition posttraumatic stress diagnostics among Northern Irish military veterans

Relationship between emotional awareness, symptoms, and protective factors in children exposed to intimate partner violence

Residual posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms following a residential posttraumatic stress disorder treatment program for U.S. active duty service members

Risk for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms by trauma type: the role of self-compassion

Self-compassion reduces posttraumatic stress symptom severity in hurricane survivors via perceived social support

Self-harm in sexually abused adolescents: the role of posttraumatic symptoms, emotional impulsivity, and negative cognition

Social connectedness and well-being among Black women who experienced adolescent sexual trauma

Social determinants of violence against adolescent married women and how the women respond to it: a qualitative study in the Kurdish areas of Iran

Social maltreatment as trauma: posttraumatic correlates of a new measure of exposure to sexism, racism, and cisheterosexism

Subtypes of childhood maltreatment and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in an adult trauma sample: the mechanistic role of sleep

Suicidal ideation and attempts and hyperarousal in military personnel and veterans: network analysis reveals roles of anxiety sensitivity and insomnia

Suicidality after the genocide against the Yazidi in Iraq in 2014

Temporal relations between alcohol use, posttraumatic stress disorder, and internalizing symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: an ecological momentary assessment investigation

The brain under sexual attack: a brief report on neurobiological disturbances in trauma memory

The course of symptoms over time in people with posttraumatic stress disorder

The Crisis Migration Experience Scale: Developing and validating a tool for Venezuelan youth and adults residing in Colombia

The efficacy of psychological interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in incarcerated forensic populations: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

The impact of moral injury on suicide risk among recently discharged Israeli veterans: a longitudinal moderated mediation model of trauma-related guilt and self-forgiveness

The impact of trauma-focused psychotherapies on anger: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The influence of betrayal trauma on complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms

The investigation of sleep patterns in relation to interpersonal violence victimization and mental health in adolescent girls

The longitudinal association of adverse events and working memory among preschoolers: a random-intercept cross-lag analysis

The role of compassion in moral injury among military veterans: implications for treatment

The role of self-compassion in the association between childhood maltreatment and marital quality: an actor-partner interdependence model

The Sexual Encounters Questionnaire: a gender-inclusive survey of sexual victimization across the lifespan

Therapists' experience of working with refugees and asylum seekers who have been tortured: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Toward an understanding of intergenerational trauma and storytelling in Black families

Trauma exposure, mental health, and mental health treatment among LGBTQ+ veterans and nonveterans

Treatment for childhood and adolescent dissociation: a systematic review

Unraveling PTSD: symptom cluster change during and 1 year after veterans' residential PTSD treatment

War's unseen wounds: physical proximity to the war, event centrality, and PTSD symptoms in the context of Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict: a moderating model