Associations between bystander reactions to cyberbullying and victims' emotional experiences and mental health
Correction to: Why and When Consumers Indulge in Smartphones: The Mental Association Between Smartphones and Fun, by Shen L, Wang L, and Zhang X. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2019: 22(6):381-387. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0646
Exploring the therapeutic and nontherapeutic affordances of social media use by young adults with lived experience of self-harm or suicidal ideation: a scoping review
Exposure to countering messages online: alleviating or strengthening false belief?
Fear of missing out and relational aggression on Facebook
Male adolescents' and young adults' evaluations of interracial exclusion in offline and online settings
Relationship between daily stress, depression symptoms, and facebook addiction disorder in Germany and in the United States
The Digital Addiction Scale for Children: development and validation
Validation of the Online Security Behaviors and Beliefs Questionnaire with college students in the United States