Beliefs and knowledge about post-traumatic stress disorder amongst resettled Afghan refugees in Australia
Mental health services and R&D in South Korea
Neighborhood social capital and infant physical abuse: a population-based study in Japan
Poly-victimisation and health risk behaviours, symptoms of mental health problems and suicidal thoughts and plans among adolescents in Vietnam
Problem Management Plus (PM+) in the treatment of common mental disorders in women affected by gender-based violence and urban adversity in Kenya; study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Promotion, prevention and protection: interventions at the population- and community-levels for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries
Service user and family member perspectives on services for mental health, substance use/addiction, and violence: a qualitative study of their goals, experiences and recommendations
Suicide surveillance and health systems in Nepal: a qualitative and social network analysis
The mental health and psychosocial impact of the Bougainville Crisis: a synthesis of available information
Violent events, ward climate and ideas for violence prevention among nurses in psychiatric wards: a focus group study