Biomechanical properties of the human neck in lateral flexion
Cadaver femur responses to longitudinal impacts
Car-to-car side impacts: computerized crash reconstruction
Comparison between in-the-field accidents and reconstructed accidents with dummies and with cadavers
Contribution of physical analysis of accidents towards interpretation of severe traffic trauma
Dynamic response of the spine during plus gx acceleration
Effect of variable load energy absorbers on the biodynamic response of cadavers
Efficiency comparison between three-point belt and air bag in a subcompact vehicle
Experimental study of pedestrian injury minimization through vehicle design
Experimentally validated 3-D inertial tracking package for application in biodynamic research
Front passenger passive restraint for small car, high speed, frontal impacts
Frontal crash evaluation tests of a five-point harness child restraint
Head space requirements for seat belt wearers
Impact behavior of the Hybrid II dummy
Impact response and tolerance of the lower extremities
Injury patterns by restraint usage in 1973 and 1974 passenger cars
Injury predictions for frontal collisions
Injury to unembalmed belted cadavers in simulated collisions
Neck and thorax tolerance levels of belt-protected occupants in head-on collisions
On the use of the head injury criterion (HIC) in protective headgear evaluation
Pedestrian vehicle accident simulation through dummy tests
Prediction of thoracic injury from dummy responses
Primate as a model for crash injury
Significance of rate of onset in impact injury evaluation
Simulated occupant response to side-impact collisions
Simulation of collisions between pedestrians and vehicles using adult and child dummies
Static bending response of the human lower torso
Thorax of 3-point belt wearers during a crash (experiments with cadavers)
Transient structural response of the linear skull-brain system