A new crash test device: "Repeatable Pete"
A study of seat belts and injuries
Cervical range of motion and dynamic response and strength of cervical muscles
Computer program for reconstruction of highway accidents
Concussion levels determined by HPR windshield impacts
Evaluation of Australian child restraints
Femur load injury criteria~a realistic approach
Flash x-Ray cinematography during impact injury
Fracture mechanism of lower legs under impact load
Impact injury mechanisms in abdominal organs
Improved laminated windscreens by energy-controlled breakout
Improved laminated windshield with reduced laceration properties
Mass, volume, center of mass, and mass moment of inertia of head and head and neck of human body
Matched driver restraint systems
Mechanical simulation of human thorax under impact
Passenger injuries in collisions and their relation to general speed scale
Response of human larynx to blunt loading
Seat belts--limits of protection: a study of fatal injuries among belt wearers
Side impact tolerance to blunt trauma
Spinal loads resulting from -Gdx acceleration
Thoracic impact: new experimental approaches leading to model synthesis
Torque versus angular displacement response of human head to -Gdx impact acceleration