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Journal of forensic and legal medicine

Journal Volume: 52
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2017
Articles in SafetyLit: 17

Autopsies in the elderly: Erzurum study

Cardiac injuries caused by trauma: review and case reports

Characteristics of Mexican children and adolescents who died by suicide: a study of psychological autopsies

Child protection and the development of child abuse pediatrics in New York City

Elderly suicide in Eskisehir, Turkey

Ethanol levels in legally autopsied subjects: analytical approach and epidemiological relevance in a prospective study in the touristic region of the Canary Islands (Spain)

External foam and the post-mortem period in freshwater drowning; results from a retrospective study in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Femur fracture biomechanics and morphology associated with torsional and bending loading conditions in an in vitro immature porcine model

Genital piercings in the context of acute sexual assault

Intra- and inter-rater agreement of the Genital Injury Severity Scale

Intracardiac electrocardiographic assessment of precordial TASER shocks in human subjects: a pilot study

Neuropathology and brain weight in traumatic-crush asphyxia

Post-mortem findings in 22 fatal Taxus baccata intoxications and a possible solution to its detection

The incidence and epidemiology of eldercide in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa

Traumatic brain injury: comparison between autopsy and ante-mortem CT

Volatile lipophilic substances management in case of fatal sniffing

Vulnerability and revictimization: victim characteristics in a Dutch assault center