Adult interpersonal features of subtypes of sexual offenders
Childhood casualties during civil war: Syrian experience
Driving under the influence of alcohol. a 5-year overview in Piedmont, Italy
Episodes of voluntary total fasting (hunger strike) in Spanish prisons: a descriptive analysis
Fatal heat stroke in a child entrapped in a confined space
Fatal poisoning of chilhood in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey (2009-2013)
Forensic botany as a useful tool in the crime scene: report of a case
Forensic pharmacovigilance: newer dimension of pharmacovigilance
Forensic science in the context of Islamic law: a review
Injury patterns and features of cycling fatalities in South Australia
Injury Severity Score based estimation of height of fall in bus rolling down the cliff
Intimate partner violence against women in Spain: a medico-legal and criminological study
Medico legal investigations into sudden sniffing deaths linked with trichloroethylene
Minimising bias in the forensic evaluation of suspicious paediatric injury
Myths and misconceptions about medico-legal autopsies among the people of Tamilnadu, India
Prevention of violence in prison - the role of health care professionals
Suicidal drowning deaths in northern Sweden 1992-2009 - the role of mental disorder and intoxication
The (in)significance of genital injury in rape and sexual assault
Undetected patricide: inaccuracy of cause of death determination without an autopsy