Automated fall detection on privacy-enhanced video
Capturing habitual, in-home gait parameter trends using an inexpensive depth camera
Detecting stumbles with a single accelerometer
Doppler radar sensor positioning in a fall detection system
Improve quality of care with remote activity and fall detection using ultrasonic sensors
Improving automatic sound-based fall detection using iVAT clustering and GA-based feature selection
PAGAS: Portable and accurate gait analysis system
Preventing drowsiness by heartbeat-synchronized vibration
Radar walk detection in the apartments of elderly
Radar walking speed measurements of seniors in their apartments: Technology for fall prevention
Safe trajectory estimation at a pedestrian crossing to assist visually impaired people
Skin-contact sensor for automatic fall detection
Sleep and activity monitoring for returning soldier adjustment assessment
The effect of aging on human brain spatial processing performance
Towards an intelligent system for clinical guidance on wheelchair tilt and recline usage