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Conference proceedings - IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society

Journal Volume: 2012
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2012
Articles in SafetyLit: 24

A fast Adaptive-Gain Orientation Filter of inertial/magnetic data for human motion tracking in free-living environments

A new method to estimate the real upper limit of the false alarm rate in a 3 accelerometry-based fall detector for the elderly

Assessment of mental fatigue during car driving by using high resolution EEG activity and neurophysiologic indices

Automated fall detection on privacy-enhanced video

Capturing habitual, in-home gait parameter trends using an inexpensive depth camera

Detecting stumbles with a single accelerometer

Displacement of centre of mass during quiet standing assessed using accelerometry in older fallers and non-fallers

Distinguishing near-falls from daily activities with wearable accelerometers and gyroscopes using Support Vector Machines

Doppler radar sensor positioning in a fall detection system

Embedded fall and activity monitoring for a wearable ambient assisted living solution for older adults

Improve quality of care with remote activity and fall detection using ultrasonic sensors

Improving automatic sound-based fall detection using iVAT clustering and GA-based feature selection

PAGAS: Portable and accurate gait analysis system

Preventing drowsiness by heartbeat-synchronized vibration

Radar walk detection in the apartments of elderly

Radar walking speed measurements of seniors in their apartments: Technology for fall prevention

Safe trajectory estimation at a pedestrian crossing to assist visually impaired people

Skin-contact sensor for automatic fall detection

Sleep and activity monitoring for returning soldier adjustment assessment

Taking balance measurement out of the laboratory and into the home: Discriminatory capability of novel centre of pressure measurement in fallers and non-fallers

The effect of aging on human brain spatial processing performance

Towards an intelligent system for clinical guidance on wheelchair tilt and recline usage

Towards falls prevention: A wearable wireless and battery-less sensing and automatic identification tag for real time monitoring of human movements

Wireless slips and falls prediction system