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Conference proceedings - IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society

Journal Volume: 1
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2008
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A footswitch evaluation of the gait of elderly fallers with and without a diagnosis of orthostatic hypotension and healthy elderly controls

A new approach to predicting postconcussion syndrome after mild traumatic brain injury based upon eye movement function

A study on balance maintenance strategies during walking: A simulation study

A system for move-free and real time monitoring of readiness

An acoustic fall detector system that uses sound height information to reduce the false alarm rate

Assessing elderly persons' fall risk using spectral analysis on accelerometric data - a clinical evaluation study

Chair Alarm for patient fall prevention based on Gesture Recognition and Interactivity

Detection of baseline and near-fall postural stability

ECG monitoring of a car driver using capacitively-coupled electrodes

Fall detection of elderly through floor vibrations and sound

Fall detection using multiple cameras

Fall-detection through vertical velocity thresholding using a tri-axial accelerometer characterized using an optical motion-capture system

Feasibility study on driver's stress detection from differential skin temperature measurement

Preliminary investigation into the use of Autonomous Fall Detectors

Quantifying time awake posturographically

Simulated fall detection via accelerometers

Testing of a long-term fall detection system incorporated into a custom vest for the elderly

The design and development of a long-term fall detection system incorporated into a custom vest for the elderly

The inescapable smart impact detection system (ISIS): An ubiquitous and personalized fall detector based on a distributed"divide and conquer strategy"

Unintentional balance destabilization system reliability studies

Virtual proprioception with real-time step detection and processing

Wireless fall sensor with GPS location for monitoring the elderly