Biomechanical and scaling bases for frontal and side impact injury assessment reference values
Biomechanics of 4-point seat belt systems in frontal impacts
Design and Development of a THOR Based Small Female Crash Test Dummy
Development of a biofidelic flexible pedestrian legform impactor
Effects of hip posture on the frontal impact tolerance of the human hip joint
Evaluation of the Performance of the THOR-alpha Dummy
Finite Element Simulation Study of a Frontal Driver Airbag Deployment for Out-of-Position Situations
Improving pedestrian safety using numerical human models
On the Development of the SIMon Finite Element Head Model
On the importance of nonlinearity of brain tissue under large deformations
Shoulder impact response and injury due to lateral and oblique loading
The effect of impact angle on knee tolerance to rigid impacts
Thoracic injury criterion for frontal crash applicable to all restraint systems