Abdominal response to high-speed seatbelt loading
Comparison of EuroSID-2 and SID-IIs in Vehicle Side Impact Tests with the IIHS Barrier
Comparison of Hybrid III, Thor-alpha and PMHS Response in Frontal Sled Tests
Comparison of the Rear Impact Biofidelity of BioRID II and RID2
Compressive tolerance of the maturing cervical spine
Development of a new biofidelity ranking system for anthropomorphic test devices
ES-2 Dummy Biomechanical Responses
Experimental determination of adult and pediatric neck scale factors
Guidelines for assessing the biofidelity of side impact dummies of various sizes and ages
Mechanical characterization of porcine abdominal organs
Pediatric pelvic fractures in side impact collisions
Response corridors of human surrogates in lateral impacts
The tolerance of the human hip to dynamic knee loading
Tolerance of the cervical spine to eccentric axial compression