A comparison of the accuracy of two types of instrumentation for measuring vertical wheel load
A discussion of performance standards for configuration of heavy trucks
A methodology for measuring rearward amplification
A perturbational testing method (ptm)
A rationale for regulating roll stability of combination vehicles
A study of heavy vehicle crashes in australia
A study of the practicality of allowing 33 metre road trains into a metropolitan environment
Airport pavement design for heavy aircraft loading
An evaluation of damage caused by heavy loads in ohio
Automation of vehicle dynamic calculations
Behaviour of articulated vehicles on curves
Conventional and wide base radial truck tyres
Development of a system for ranking transverse cracks in pavements
Development of regulatory principles for straight trucks and truck- trailer combinations
Dynamic pavement loads and tests of road-friendliness for heavy vehicle suspensions
Dynamic tests on two highway bridges
Effect of axle load on chilean concrete pavements
Effect of traffic loading and binder ageing on the structural deterioration of bituminous pavements
Flexible pavement response models for assessing dynamic axle loads
Heavy duty laminated reinforced concrete pavements
Heavy vehicle pavement loading: a comprehensive testing programme
Hgv safety research activities at the university of hannover, germany
High-speed weigh-in-motion systems and applications
Impact of changes in vehicle weight legislation on pavements in alberta, canada
Impacts on the road and their effects on road construction and road preservation costs
Improving the accuracy of weigh-in-motion systems
Installing weight monitoring devices in flexible pavements: the new zealand experience
Loads on lorries' driving systems due to road unevenness
Local load effects on road bridges
Lorry transport: british experience
Ltpp traffic database and its potential impact(s) on future pavement design
Multi-span highway bridge dynamic test and its dynamic response calculation
National research and development project on wim
Optimisation of lgv weight: an enforcement policy?
Pavement loads and weight limits: canadian experience
Perceptions of the environmental impacts of heavy vehicles
Policy issues - the way forward
Radical change to vehicle regulatory framework in australia
Stress spectra of steel highway bridges under traffic loads
Super-singles: implications for design
The effect of wide-based tyres on pavements
The effects of heavy vehicle loadings on pavement structures containing vertical discontinuities
The prediction of traffic loading at specific sites
The south african heavy vehicle load limit study
The spatial repeatability of dynamic pavement loads caused by heavy goods vehicles
The use of a capacitative mat for dynamic weighing of vehicles in normal traffic
Theoretical analysis of wandering of commercial vehicles on damaged road surfaces
Truck behaviour on highway facilities
Truck factors affecting dynamic loads and road damage
Truck weight and dimension regulations and container standards
Use of a force measuring mat to compare the road damaging potential of heavy vehicles
Using servo-hydraulics to assess heavy vehicle suspensions for road wear
Value of a sharp traffic analysis for highway companies: the experience of saprr
Variable tyre pressure control for log-hauling vehicles
Vehicle weights and dimensions: european community experience
Vehicle wheel loads and road pavement wear
Weight regulations, overweight vehicle policy and enforcement procedures in new zealand