Bicycle backlash: qualitative examination of aggressive driver-bicyclist interactions
Classification criteria and application of level of service for bicycle lanes in China
Comparing crowdsourced near-miss and collision cycling data and official bike safety reporting
Dwelling type matters: untangling the paradox of intensification and bicycle mode choice
Enhancing cycling safety at signalized intersections: analysis of observed behavior
Impact of bike facilities on residential property prices
Investigation of alternative bicycle pavement markings with the use of a bicycle simulator
Keep 'em separated: desire lines analysis of bidirectional cycle tracks in Montreal, Canada
Observations of public bikesharing: experiences from Ningbo, China
The reach of bicycling in rural, small, and low-density places
Typologies of urban cyclists: review of market segmentation methods for planning practice
Where do bikeshare bikes actually go? Analysis of capital bikeshare trips with GPS data