Assessing message display formats of portable variable message signs
Assessing multifunction interfaces in vehicles - Usability as a requisite for safety
Assessment of driver fatigue, distraction, and performance in a naturalistic setting
Challenges of measuring performance for FAA's safety oversight system
Classifying passing maneuvers - A behavioral approach
Design for simulator performance evaluations of driving with vision impairments and, visual aids
Effects of interface workload of in-vehicle information systems on driving safety
Eye glance behavior during lane changes and straight-ahead driving
Eye glance behavior of van and passenger car drivers during lane change decision phase
Methodology for capturing driver eye glance behavior during in-vehicle secondary tasks
Methods and metrics for evaluation of an automated real-time driver warning system
Passengers and other factors affecting the safety of young and older drivers
Potential crash involvement of young novice drivers with previous crash and citation records
Traffic safety evaluation of video advertising signs
Use of fuzzy sets to evaluate driver perception of variable message signs