Bus or car? The classic choice in school transportation
Developing operational and safety guidelines for school sites in Texas
Does separating trucks from other traffic improve overall safety?
Driver identification of landmarks and traffic signs after a stroke
Implementing red light camera programs: Guidance from economic analysis of safety benefits
Integrating safety into the transportation planning process - Case study in Hampton Roads, Virginia
Investigating the sensitivity of optimal network safety needs to key safety management inputs
Investigation of time into red for red light-related crashes
Measuring neighborhood traffic safety benefits by using real-time driver feedback technology
Methodology to establish hurricane evacuation zones
Motorcycle helmet use and trends before and after Florida's helmet law change in 2000
Multijurisdictional safety evaluation of red light cameras
Pilot test of fatigue management technologies
Programming safety improvements on pavement resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation projects
Safety reviews of existing roads: Quantitative safety assessment methodology
Simulation-based emergency evacuation system for Ocean City, Maryland, during hurricanes
Stops for cops: Impaired response implementation for older drivers with cognitive decline