Accuracy of global positioning system for determining driver performance parameters
Asking, the right question: Understanding the travel needs of older women who do not drive
Factors in truck crashes an roadways with intersections
Feasibility of real-time remote speed enforcement for work zones
Incorporating nonmotorized modes in a mode choice model
Modal shift mechanism in the transition period from bicycle user to automobile user
Motorcycles as a full mode of transportation
Older road users: Examining the relationship between injuries and fatalities
Older-driver perception of problems at unsignalized intersections an divided highways
Optimal speed limits: Limits of optimality models
Pedestrian collision prediction models for urban intersections
Pedestrian level of service for midblock street crossings
Sidewalk cross-slope design: Analysis of accessibility for persons with disabilities
Survey of state law enforcement personnel on work zone enforcement practices
Toward improved traffic safety: Road use perception and behavior in Estonia
Typology of motorcycle crashes: Rider characteristics, environmental factors, and spatial patterns