Accident prediction models for urban unsignalized intersections in British Columbia
Development of access spacing guidelines for nonfreeway weaving environments
Effect of midblock access points on traffic accidents on state highways in New Jersey
Effects of access control on safety on urban arterial streets
Fatal crash rates in the Southeastern United States: why are they higher?
Incomplete accident reporting: meta-analysis of studies made in 13 countries
Incorporating geographic correlation when sampling a transportation network
Injury severity and duration of hospital stay for urban road accidents in Riyadh
Injury, fatal, and property damage accident models for highway corridors
Overview of three expert systems for crash data collection
Rates of occupant deaths in vehicle rollover: importance of fatality-risk factors
Safety and the choice of degree of curve
Safety evaluation of rolled-in continuous shoulder rumble strips installed on freeways
Simplified approach to forecast highway crash rates of selected special population subsets