A mixed method study on educational well-being and resilience among youth in foster care
A scoping study of moral injury: identifying directions for social work research
Chaotic experiences and low-income children's social-emotional development
Effectiveness of ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program in a developing country
Factors predicting prosecution of child maltreatment cases
Maternal incarceration and children's delinquent involvement: the role of sibling relationships
Mental health interventions for children in foster care: a systematic review
Neglected voices: lessons from forensic investigation following neglect
Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a link in adolescent and maternal depression
Recovery coaches and the stability of reunification for substance abusing families in child welfare
Social gradients and participant characteristics in child behavior problem interventions
To educate or to incarcerate: factors in disproportionality in school discipline
Use of evidence-based interventions in child welfare: do attitudes matter?
Validation of the Chinese version of the 12-Item Child and Youth Resilience Measure