Adolescents at risk and their willingness to seek help from youth care workers
Cross-informant agreement of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale for youth in community mental health settings
Development & maintenance of social support among aged out foster youth who received independent living services: results from the Multi-Site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs
Fathers matter: involving and engaging fathers in the child welfare system process
Help-seeking and help-offering for teen dating violence among acculturating Mexican American adolescents
Interagency collaboration and identifying mental health needs in child welfare: findings from Los Angeles County
Planned and unplanned terminations of foster care placements in the Netherlands: Relationships with characteristics of foster children and foster placements
Preventing substance abuse and relationship violence: proof-of-concept evaluation of a social, multi-user, tablet-based game
Shifting sands that threaten policy advocacy for vulnerable children and youth: A case study
The relationships between after-school programs, academic outcomes, and behavioral developmental outcomes of Latino children from immigrant families: Findings from the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program