Alcohol involvement in Texas driver fatalities: Accident reports vs blood alcohol concentration
Are alcohol safety schools effective?
Attribution of responsibility for alcohol-related motor vehicle collisions: Summary report
Bicycle injuries in children: an economic insight and literature review
Comparisons of NCAP crash test results with driver injury rates in highway crashes
Differences of injury patterns and accident kinematics of motorized and non-motorized two-wheelers
Discussion of "Motorcyclist fatalities and the repeal of mandatory helmet wearing laws"
Discussion of "Neck injury to car occupants using seat belts"
Dynamics and biomechanics of motorcycle-to-car glancing impact: Theory and experiment
Evaluation of the effects of the North Carolina child passenger protection law
Impact of re-enactment of the motorcycle helmet law in Louisiana
Laboratory tests and accident performance of bicycle safety helmets
Leg injuries to motorcyclists and motorcycle design
Medical costs of pediatric motor vehicle trauma
Motorcyclist fatalities and the repeal of mandatory helmet wearing laws
Neck injury to car occupants using seat belts
Patterns of injury in highway trauma: automobile, motorcycle, pedestrian, moped, and bicycle
Potential safety aspects of the use of larger trucks
Relative death risk: a 10 year review of occupant and pedestrian trauma
Relative risk of fatal injury in vehicle to vehicle impacts involving cars of different sizes
Risk of explosion injuries when handling tyres and rims
System and deterrence effects of a major change in DWI legislation in North Carolina
The effects of AIS manual injury severity qualifiers on subjective estimates of injury severity
The interaction of alcohol and fatigue on driver simulator performance
The potentiating effects of alcohol on driver injury
The role of alcohol involvement in fatal pedestrian collisions
The state of the art of head injury biomechanics: A review
Youth anti-drinking-driving programs: an examination of program assumptions