A comparison of AIS and ISS predictions of fatality on NCSS
A new concept for infant passenger protection
A state of change in New York's emergency health services information systems
Alcohol and simulated car-following performance
Alcohol and the commercial driver
Analysis of head injury severity by AIS-80
Bioengineering evaluation of racing safety
Cardiac pace-makers and seat-belt risks: Necessities - resolutions
Contrasts in the dynamic properties influencing the pre-crash safety of cars and heavy trucks
Drug involvement in traffic fatalities in the province of Ontario
Elements, concepts and terminology of the roadway environment
Energy absorbing barrier design for track and highway
Functional ability profiles in driver licensing
Guidelines for interpretation of the cardiac standards for school bus operation in Wisconsin
Head protection in racing and road traffic
Heavy truck safety: The need to know
Highlights of NHTSA's occupant restraint programs to 1979
Improved under-ride protection in moderate speed crashes
Incompatibilities between highways, vehicles, and drivers
Individual microcomputer programs used in accident reconstruction
Injuries in heavy trucks and the effectiveness of seat belts
Legal barriers to the enforcement of laws prohibiting drug-impaired driving
Licensing and monitoring of heavy-truck drivers
Multiple licensing and multiple records of problem commercial drivers
Occupant protection in light trucks and vans
Pedestrian injuries and medical treatment
Pedestrian's knees injured by lateral impact
Performance of child restraints in serious crashes
Potential new requirements for truck drivers
Risk factors and automobile collisions: Age, sex and circumstances
Safety belts and seat design: An insight from racing
Seat belt usage and risk-taking behavior at two major traffic intersections
Small cars and future highway safety
Societal and personal cost of motor vehicle accident injuries and disabilities in Ontario
Survey of infant restraint usability
The alcoholic driver program in the state of Maryland
The driver protection capsule: Problems and potential
The regulation of automobile racing safety: An attempted test of the Peltzman hypothesis
Tort liability implications of small car incompatibility with highway design