Acute injury scaling related to residual disability
Acute injury statistics--a true picture?
Aspects on pathology and neuropathology in head injury
Biomechanics--material properties and "tissue damage"
Care at accident site and during transport
Diagnostic terminology of head injuries--related to severity
Dizziness and vertigo in the posttraumatic syndrome. A physiological background
Epidemiology of accidents in the field of traffic medicine
Epidemiology of head injuries in Sweden
Experimental animal physiology related to brain stem control of wakefulness
Experimental models of head injury
Factors restricting the use of coma scales
Head injuries in a population study
Head injuries in children--special features
Head injuries--biomechanical principles
HIC--the head injury criterion. Practical significance for the automotive industry
Is diagnostic severity grading for head injuries possible?
Modern concepts in neurotraumatology
Prognosis and prediction of outcome in comatose head injured patients
Prognosis as the basis for selection to treatment after severe head injury
Resources for head injury patients at different hospital levels
Resources for mild, moderate and severe head injury patients
Time-related severity scaling of head injuries--discussion on the AIS-severity code--early and late
Traumatic intracranial hematomas: pathophysiological aspects on their course and treatment