A proposed new concept for estimating the limit of human tolerance to impact acceleration
A study of the effects of positive acceleration upon erythrocyte hydration in human subjects
Aerospace medicine and Project Mercury Navy participation
Aerospace medicine and the problem of hypoglycemia
Air evacuation of head injury patients
Aircraft accident potential related to pilot age at time of graduation
Aircrew conditioning for long range flight
An aircrew hypoxia-warning system
An appraisal of psychological stress
An experimental approach to flash blindness
Anthropometry of U.S. Navy pilots
Astronauts, Antarctic scientists, and personal autonomy
Clinical problems in Aviation Medicine. Disposition of the flyer who faints
Clinical problems in aviation medicine. Schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type. Case report
Convulsive syncope induced by the Valsalva maneuver in subjects exhibiting low G tolerance
Coriolis effects on operator movements in rotating vehicles
Coronary artery disease in military flying personnel
Current flying and accident potential
Determinants of injury severity in lightplane crashes
Development of space cabin tolerance criteria to trace contaminants
Effects of training plane type on jet pilot performance
Effects of weightlessness in ballistic and orbital flight. A progress report
Electrocardiographic findings in 840 aircraft fatalities
Electroencephalographic findings in relation to episodes of altered consciousness in aviators
Estimation of tolerance times for cold water immersion
Evaluation of hearing in hydrops of the labyrinth. Case report
Exploration and utilization of space
Feasibility of laboratory studies concerning life on Venus
Gentling and altitude tolerance
Glaucoma as an aviation hazard
Glaucoma screening in aeromedical examination
Human crash deceleration tests on seat-belts
Human factors responses during ground impact
Human physiological response to extremity and body cooling
Impact tolerance of restrained mice as a function of velocity change and average deceleration
Influence of sustained accelerations on certain pilot-performance capabilities
Loss of consciousness. Incidence, causes and electroencephalographic findings
Measurements of eye movements during low frequency vibration
Neuropsychiatric suspensions and accident potential
Oxygen recovery by the catalytic dissociation of carbon dioxide
Ozone contamination of high altitude aircraft cabins
Patent ductus arteriosus in flying personnel
Performance effects in 17-day simulated space flights
Physical evaluation of a polarographic pO2 sensor and its application as a hypoxia warning device
Physiologic and engineering requirements for a Mach three supersonic transport
Physiologic effects of abrupt deceleration. I. Relative bradycardia
Physiologic effects of exposure to ram pressure
Physiological instrumentation systems for monitoring pilot response to stress at zero and high G
Potential answers to communication problems
Presence of ozone in aircraft flying at 35,000 feet
Problems in air traffic management. II. Prediction of success in air traffic controller school
Recent USAF experience with inflight dysbarism
Relationship between tie-down effectiveness and injuries sustained in light-plane accidents
Reliability of the electroretinogram as a response to a light stimulus
Respiratory response to whole body vertical vibration
Response of mammalian gravity receptors to sustained tilt
School of Aerospace Medicine physiological studies in high performance aircraft
Studies of cardiac output and circulatory pressures in human beings during forward acceleration
Syncope. An instructive case report
The principle of the "internal atmosphere". Geobiological and astrobiological aspects
Two year's experience in combined engineering and pathology investigation in aircraft accidents
Use of a modified partial pressure suit to alleviate severe postural hypotension
Validity of tests of canal sickness in predicting susceptibility to airsickness and seasickness
Vestibular responses of the unanesthetized cat recorded during free-fall