"Which erring men call chance"
A review of available information on the acoustical and vibrational aspects of manned space flight
A system for monitoring the ECG under dynamic conditions
Acute hypoxia during rapid decompression and emergency descent in a commercial jet aircraft
Aeromedical support of advanced fighter-interceptor weapon systems
Air evacuation of the psychiatric patient
Airborne GSR studies: a preliminary report
Application of basic human engineering principles to a cockpit design
Basic research problems in space medicine: a review
Calorie neutralization during thermal stress
Cardiovascular changes with vestibular stimulation
Determination of gaseous tissue nitrogen
Disorientation in helicopter pilots
Emotional behavior of airline passengers
Endocrine aspects of auditory stress
Engineering of the sealed cabin atmosphere control system
Evaluation of personnel exposure from stratospheric fission fragment contamination on aircraft
Eye hazards and protection in space
Factorial structure and validity of naval aviation selector variables
Fatigue effects in radio operators during a program of high intensity, long duration, flying
Flying stress and urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels during twenty-hour missions
Functional relationships between semicircular canals and otolith organs
Human cardioaccelerative responses to hypoxia in combination with heat
Human tolerance to whole body sinusoidal vibration. Short-time, one-minute and three-minute studies
Human voluntary tolerance to vertical impact
Incidence of loss of consciousness in 1,980 Air Force personnel
Laboratory approximation of individual tolerance to aircraft carrier decknoise
Motion sickness in a helicopter simulator
Observations on heart rate and cardiodynamics during weightlessness
Oxygen sources for space flights
Pathology as an aid to reconstruction of aircraft accidents
Performance and habitability aspects of extended confinement in sealed cabins
Physiologic effects of cabin pressure failure in high altitude passenger aircraft
Prolonged exposure in the Navy full pressure suit at "space equivalent" altitudes
Recurrent dysbarism in flight: a case report
Roentgenographic study of human subjects during transverse accelerations
Significance of elevated lactic acid in the postmortem brain
Solar irradiance from Mercury to Pluto
Spatial disorientation as a cause of accidents in army cargo helicopters
The bio-effects of radar energy. A research progress report
The incidence of hypoglycemia in flight
The maintennance of thermal comfort in a full pressure suit at simulated altitude
The potential application of hibernation to space travel
Tissue ionization dosages in proton radiation fields in space
Venous plasma levels of catechol amines in several physical stresses
Visceral displacement in black bears subjected to abrupt deceleration