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Psychiatry research

Journal Volume: 305
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 14

A potential increase in adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury during CoViD-19: a comparison of data from three different time points during 2011 - 2021

A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions aiming to reduce risks of suicide and self-harm in psychiatric inpatients

A systematic review of questionnaires assessing the psychological impact of COVID-19

After a disaster: validation of PTSD checklist for DSM-5 and the four- and eight-item abbreviated versions in mental health service users

Cyberbullying victimization and depression among adolescents: a meta-analysis

Differential time varying associations among affective states and suicidal ideation among adolescents following hospital discharge

Emotion profiles of university students engaging in non-suicidal self-injury: association with functions of self-injury and other mental health concerns

Interoceptive dysfunction indicates presence and severity of self-injurious behaviors in a clinically severe transdiagnostic sample

Potential usefulness of complete blood count parameters and inflammatory ratios as simple biomarkers of depression and suicide risk in drug-naive, adolescents with major depressive disorder

Psychiatric admission as a risk factor for posttraumatic stress disorder

Rapid antisuicidal effects of prolonged iTBS on treatment-resistant depression: A case report

Relationships between reduction in symptoms and restoration of function and wellbeing: Outcomes of the Oral Ketamine Trial on Suicidality (OKTOS)

Suicide by gender and 10-year age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic vs previous five years in Japan: an analysis of national vital statistics

Which are the best evidence-based therapeutic options for clozapine and ECT resistant schizophrenia? A case-report