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Journal of affective disorders

Journal Volume: 294
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A nation-wide population-based longitudinal study on life expectancy and cause specific mortality in patients with bipolar disorder and their siblings

A sex-stratified analysis of suicidal ideation correlates among deployed post-9/11 veterans: Results from the survey of experiences of returning veterans

Application of the inter-personal psychological theory of suicide in a non-clinical community-based adolescent population

Association between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in children: the mediating role of self-esteem

Attachment-based family therapy: theory, clinical model, outcomes, and process research

Changes in the association between the traditional Japanese diet score and suicide rates over 26 years: a global comparative study

Cultural and interpersonal risk factors for suicide ideation and suicide attempts among Muslim college students from 11 nations

Day-to-day changes in negative attributions of stress: a daily diary study of cognitive vulnerability and negative affect in adults with elevated risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors

Does neighbourhood identification buffer against the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on self-harm?

Financial hardship and suicide ideation: age and gender difference in a Korean panel study

Gender-specific associations of loneliness and suicidal ideation in a representative population sample: young, lonely men are particularly at risk

Is Google Trends a useful tool for tracking mental and social distress during a public health emergency? A time-series analysis

Posttraumatic stress in adult civilians exposed to violent conflict, war and associated human rights abuses in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Predicting suicide attempts and suicide deaths among adolescents following outpatient visits

Sensitivity is the dimension of temperament most associated with the progression from ideation to suicide attempts

Suicide attempts among college students hospitalized for COVID-19

Temporal sequences of suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among inpatient and community-residing military veterans

The changes of suicidal ideation status among young people in Hong Kong during COVID-19: A longitudinal survey

The contribution of method choice to gender disparity in suicide mortality: a population-based study in Hong Kong and the United States of America

The network of stress-related states and depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown

The trajectories and associations of eveningness and insomnia with daytime sleepiness, depression and suicidal ideation in adolescents: A 3-year longitudinal study

What's in a trauma? Using machine learning to unpack what makes an event traumatic