"Bolus fatalities" in an autopsy sample 1981 to 1989
Analysis of gunshot injuries with a livestock gun
Blood alcohol in automobile drivers--a comparison between Saarland and West Saxony
Criminal law and forensic medicine in the 16th century
Fatalities related to morphine and heroin administration
Hematoma in acute leukemia--suspected diagnosis of child abuse
Increase in paracetamol poisoning
Morphologic and morphometric aspects of contusion ring ("abrasion seam") of gunshot wounds
Morphometric findings of stab wounds
Physical capacity following blunt thoracic trauma
Postmortem changes after 50 years immersion (1939 reconstructed suicide)
Severity of injury of alcohol-intoxicated pedestrians in street traffic
Significance of intraosseous skull cap hematoma for reconstruction of skull injuries
Suicide with a self-constructed shotgun
The Austrian penal code and the Codex Ur-nammu--a comparison from the forensic medicine viewpoint
Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture in a forensic medicine autopsy sample
Unusual discovery of 2 cadavers in a glacier--forensic and glacier-related aspects