Accidents with fatal outcome in Finnish leisure boating 1986-1988
Alcohol risk in adolescent drivers--epidemiologic study of the Hannover region
Analysis of the mechanism of tibial injury in cases of automobile-pedestrian collisions
Attempted infanticide with a happy ending. Report of infanticide in Tirol and Vorarlberg
Autopsy of accident victims--incidence and criteria for selection
Case analysis of double or multiple homicides
Cause of death in severe acute ethanol intoxication
Chemical-toxicologic studies of the epidemiology of drug use (1.)
Density of immunoreactive cells in the spleen in drug fatalities
Diseases of stomach mucosa in the history of alcoholic traffic violators in street traffic
Diurnal correlation of criminal behavior
Effect of various technical parameters on potential danger of an electric injury in the bathtub
Fatal intoxication following rectal instillation of alcohol
Fatal shotgun use in peace time
Forensic medicine aspects of the Remscheid airplane crash
Heart current density as the most important biological parameter of electrocution in the bathtub
Injury patterns and roentgen findings in gunshot wounds with rare flint ammunition
Massive pulmonary brain tissue embolism
Medical and technical aspects of the effect of weapons III. Black powder muzzle loading guns
Methanol and isopropanol as markers of alcoholism
Morphometric studies of the lung in shock of various etiologies
Myofibril degeneration of heart muscle: histologic picture and pathophysiologic significance
Myoglobin concentrations of cadaver blood in fatal electric injuries
Non-strangulation-induced injuries of the larynx and hyoid bone
Occasion and risk for detecting driving in alcoholic intoxication
Post-traumatic hydrocephalus--result of repeated abuse of a young child
Role of collision velocity in traffic accidents involving automobiles and pedestrians
Statistical study of alcohol intoxicated female victims of sex offenses
Suicidal electric fatalities outside the bathtub (with 3 case reports)
Suicide '87. Suicide statistics of the year 1987 with regard to autopsy and inspection
The carbon monoxide content of muscles
Two conspicuous findings in human tubular bones following longer exposure time