Analysis and toxicity of the anti-arrhythmia agent tocainide
Biomechanical analysis of sternal punctures
Blood alcohol screening with the Alcolmeter AE-D1 in autopsies
Causality in accidental death of the elderly
Childhood and juvenile suicide cases (a 10-year epidemiologic study from Vienna)
Computer tomographic studies on wound ballistics of cranial gunshot injuries
Effect of nonoxynol (Patentex) on forensic sperm detection
Fatal burns from electric heating pads and warming bottles in domestic and clinical use
Forms of fracture of the atlas. I. Fractures of the lateral mass
Forms of fracture of the atlas. II. Fractures of the anterior and posterior arch
Gunshot smoke study in relation to type of munition with lead-free powder smoke
Hematomas of the tongue musculature in attacks on the neck
Iatrogenic heart injuries in sternal punctures
Infantile cerebral palsy as an accident insurance case?
Medical and technical aspects of the weapon effect. I. The bow and crossbow
Medical and technical aspects of the weapon effect. II. Far East weapons
Morphologic demonstration in death caused by external factors
Morphometric parameters of osmotic alveolosis
Multifactorial evaluation of urine samples taken by the police
Pathomechanics and pattern of injury of vehicle passengers in side collisions
Significance of morphologic findings of the brain in post-traumatic suicide
Sudden deaths from natural cause in leisure sports
Survival of a homicide attempt by electric current
The morphology of brain gunshot injury