Analytic studies on the presence of drugs and CO-Hb in automobile drivers
Determination of sitting position of automobile passengers following traffic accidents
Epidemiologic observations on the use of alcohol and benzodiazepines
Fatal occupational accidents in Berlin (West) from a forensic medicine viewpoint
Forensic medicine evaluation of self-mutilation of joints
Histologic findings of the lung following traffic accidents with different survival times
Injuries and survival time in fatal accidents
Microradiographic findings in death by hanging
Morphologic and morphometric studies of the lung in shock of various etiologies
Objectivation of pathomorphologic and traumatic eye changes
Obstruction of the neck arteries and the upper airways during strangulation
Retrospective study of 385 fatal pedestrian accidents
Tracer studies in experimental drowning
Transmission of weapon-oil during shooting
Ultrastructure pathology of the lung following drowning in humans
What additional information can be expected from x-ray studies following an autopsy?