Current findings in application of safety helmets
Demonstration of smuggled foreign bodies in the intestinal tract - a forensic-radiological task
Experience with on-line coupling of the GC-MS computer system in forensic toxicology
Fatal action of tricyclic antidepressive agents
Fatal child abuse found in postmortem cases of the Munich Institute
Fatalities caused by unusual firearms
Fatalities from a railroad accident (Hamburg 1975)
Fear--psychopathology and forensic evaluation
Hang gliding accidents in Tirol
Histological and histochemical age determination of closed cerebral cortex injuries
Observations and experiments with finger injuries caused by axes
Pathologic-anatomical findings in arsenic poisoning
Pattern and degree of injuries in simulated frontal collision
Psychophysical performance capability during pregnancy
Studies on alcohol-induced riding performance decrease in bicyclists and moped riders
Symptomatology of traumatic subdural hemorrhages and medullary hemorrhages
The involvement of retired persons in alcohol-induced offenses in Middle Hessen
Time-dependent histomorphological changes of cortical contusion areas following brain concussion
Unusual forms of tracheal suffocation
Unusual locations for finding the body in carbon monoxide poisoning