Ability to act and patterns of injury in victims of fatal shooting and stab wounds
Analysis of traffic injuries of the lower extremities
Autopsy methods in traffic accident cases
Experimental animal studies of asphyxiation lung
Experimental studies of alcohol-caused performance impairment under unfavorable light conditions
Injuries of the lower leg caused by car bumpers during simulated pedestrian accidents
Legal implications of suicide in Switzerland
Motion pictures of the cervical spine of a passenger using seatbelts during a frontal impact
Statistics of suicide in Switzerland
Suicide now and in the past - time and placed-linked changes with regard to the method of suicide
Suicide or crime; a report of two cases
The frequency of fatal shootings in cases of the Institute of Vienna (a statistical survey)
The knowledge of Hessian driving instructors concerning traffic and alcohol
The morphology of hydrogen sulfide poisoning
The question of causality between craniocerebral injury and hemorrhage from an aneurysm
Zinc and fluoride values in suicidal poisoning with zinc fluorosilicate