Abortion using a bicycle pump on the mistress and unusual suicide of a blind man
Acute fatal bichromate poisoning
Cerebral disorders after whiplash injuries of the cervical spine (electroencephalographic findings)
Clinical aspects, pathology and toxicology of acute aminophenazone poisoning in an infant
Demonstration of alcohol-induced personality changes (increase in the readiness to take risks)
Demonstration of iodine and iodine-substances in biological material
Determination of the time of skull-brain injuries
Fatal air embolism due to cuts in the lower leg
Fatal poisoning of a small child by yohimbine
Fatal poisoning with chloramphenicol
Kidney findings in cases of post-traumatic purpura
Qualitative demonstration of mercury in toxicology
Results of clinico-toxicological analyses in the years 1963-1969
Smoke traces following clothing-penetrating gunshots
Unusual case of combined suicide
Unusual cases from a forensic medicine autopsy material
X-ray diagnosis in the recognition of laryngeal structure and hyoid bone injuries