Brown backtracks on promise to allow local authorities to ban 24 hour drinking
Children in deprived areas at most risk of road injuries
Darfuri refugees in Chad have no escape from sexual violence
Fear of minimum alcohol pricing spreading to other countries led to opposition in Scotland
Guidelines spell out when someone assisting a suicide risks prosecution
Homicide might have been avoided, says Welsh review
Hospitals must plan for full evacuation, concludes review of fires
Mortality among residents of shelters, rooming houses, and hotels in Canada: 11 year follow-up study
Policy makers face a growing range of illicit drugs and aggressive marketing
Road deaths three times higher in poorer European countries
Schemes to collect and destroy handguns help to cut homicide rate
Smoking cessation agents and suicide
Supermarket chains warn that minimum pricing of alcohol will not stop binge drinking
The direct and indirect costs of explosive violence
The Israeli Medical Association and doctors' complicity in torture
Traffic speed zones and road injuries
Ultraorthodox Jews riot in Israel after mother arrested for Munchausen by proxy
UN expert calls for greater care and assistance for victims of child pornography
Varenicline and suicide. Safety data from New Zealand
When to suspect child maltreatment: summary of NICE guidance