Alcohol consumption and alcohol counselling behaviour among US medical students: cohort study
Apology sought for Australian doctor accused of involvement in UK bomb attacks
Cluster approach improves provision of disaster aid, says WHO
Deaths from drug poisoning in English and Welsh men reach five year peak
Doctors must do more to identify child abuse, Dutch association says
Doctors protest against surgeon held for six years at Guantanamo
Doctors' complicity with torture
German paediatricians want law changed to make it easier to report child abuse
Head and neck injury risks in heavy metal: Head bangers stuck between rock and a hard bass
Hospital admissions for self harm after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: cohort study
Injury and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Intimate partner violence. Honesty is needed when assuring confidentiality
Mortality on Mount Everest, 1921-2006: descriptive study
New Orleans hospitals better prepared for hurricane than three years ago
Patterns of skeletal fractures in child abuse. "Unexplained" fractures
Patterns of skeletal fractures in child abuse: systematic review
Penetrating injuries cost NHS more than 3 million pounds a year
Poverty, murder, and respect: unlikely to be linked in UK
Psychiatric patients less violent when smoking restricted
Simple measures could halve global deaths from unintentional injury, report says
State violence towards sex workers
Suicide risk after a suicide attempt
Teenage rape victim is stoned to death as violence sweeps Somalia
US company designs gun for people with arthritic hands
Violence and overcrowding characterise many mental health wards in England
Violence between intimate partners knows no age limit
Violence between intimate partners: working with the whole family