Accidental chemical poisonings. Imipramine hydrocholoride intoxiation
Accidental chemical poisonings. Lead poisoning
Accidental chemical poisonings. Lead poisonings with two fatalities
Aspirin poisoning with two fatalities
Automotive safety. Medical factors
Camphorated oil, talcum powder, and lead poisonings
Carbon tetrachloride, iron, and aspirin poisonings
Effect of eating at various times on subsequent performances in swimming
Fatalities due to aspirin and ddt intoxications
Fatalities due to ingestion of corrosives
Kerosene and other petroleum distillate poisonings
Lead poisoning and glue sniffing intoxications
Phosphorus, trifluoperazine, and methyl alcohol intoxications
The effectiveness of feararousing movies in motivating preventive health measures
Year-end report on activities of the New York City Poison Control Center