A clinical approach to the pharmacotherapy of aggression in children and adolescents
A prospective examination of risk for violence among abused and neglected children
Adolescent anabolic steroid use and aggressive behavior in golden hamsters
Aggression in physically abused children. The role of distress proneness
Aggression, attachment, and depression among school-age children at high social risk
Aggressive behaviors of transgenic estrogen-receptor knockout male mice
Aggressive symptoms and salivary cortisol in clinic-referred boys with conduct disorder
Characteristics and putative mechanisms in boys at risk for drug abuse and aggression
Cholesterol, serotonin, and behavior in young monkeys
Considerations regarding biosocial foundations of personality and aggression
Criminality and morbidity in young victims of firearm injuries. a follow-up study
Development and expression of hormonal systems regulating aggression
Developmental factors influencing aggression. Animal models and clinical correlates
Discussion: biological correlates of aggression
Disordered views of aggressive children. A late twentieth century perspective
Disruptiveness, inhibition, and withdrawal as predictors of boys' delinquency and depression
Effects of serotonergic1A and 1B agonists in androgenic versus estrogenic systems for aggression
Ethopharmacology of aggression: impact on autonomic and mesocorticolimbic activity
Fluoxetine effects on serotonin function and aggressive behavior
Gonadal and adrenal hormones. Developmental transitions and aggressive behavior
Intervention with excessively aggressive children. Conceptual and ethical issues
Low pain sensitivity and stability of physical aggression in boys
Neurotransmitter correlates of impulsive aggression in humans
Outcomes of childhood aggression in women
Peer perceptions of aggression and bullying behavior in primary schools in Northern Ireland
Physically aggressive boys from age 6 to 12 years. Their biopsychosocial status at puberty
Preliminary findings of an early intervention program with aggressive hyperactive children
Serotonergic and cardiac correlates of aggression in children
Serotonin diminishes aggression by suppressing the activity of the vasopressin system
Social attachment, brain function, and aggression
Stress hormones, genotype, and brain organization. Implications for aggression
Television violence viewing and aggression in females
The time course of angry behavior in the temper tantrums of young children