An approach to the derivation of the cost of UK vehicle crash injuries
Anxiety, acute- and post-traumatic stress symptoms following involvement in traffic crashes
Brain strains in vehicle impact tests
Classification of rollovers according to crash severity
Comparison of Delta-V and occupant impact velocity crash severity metrics using event data recorders
Consensus or data-derived anatomical severity scoring?
Crash culpability and the role of driver blood alcohol levels
Deriving and validating a road safety performance indicator for vehicle fleet passive safety
Effect of model year and vehicle type on rollover crashes and associated injuries to children
Factors related to fatal injury in frontal crashes involving European cars
High back booster seats: in the field and in the laboratory
High risk characteristics for motor vehicle crashes in persons with diabetes by age
Implications of vehicle roll direction on occupant ejection and injury risk
Incidence of thoracic and lumbar spine injuries for restrained occupants in frontal collisions
Kid in the middle: a discussion of effectiveness of center rear-seat restraint systems
Quality of life outcomes in a hospitalized sample of road users involved in crashes
Quantifying the relationship between vehicle interior geometry and child restraint systems
Residual injuries after recent safety improvements
The effects of tethering rear-facing child restraint systems onĀ ATD responses