An overview of requirements for the crash protection of older drivers
Analysis of burn injuries in frontal automobile crashes
Aortic injuries in side impacts: a preliminary analysis
Are booster seats needed: comparing occupant outcomes ages 4-7 versus 8-13
Breath-test surveys at the Mexico border: changes over time in BAC among military personnel
Driver risk factors for fatal injury on weekend nights: analysis of alcohol and racial differences
Head and neck injuries in fatal motorcycle collisions as determined by detailed autopsy
Injuries to children in forward facing child restraints
Low blood sugar and motor vehicle crashes in persons with type 1 diabetes
Low speed frontal crashes and low speed rear crashes: is there a differential risk for injury?
Observations of seating position of front seat occupants relative to the side of the vehicle
Prediction of cervical spine injury risk for the 6-year-old child in frontal crashes
Prevalence and risk of hospitalized pregnant occupants in car crashes
Psychosocial and physical factors associated with lower extremity injury
Risk of injury to restrained children from passenger airbags
Self-rated driving abilities and risk taking attitudes of newly licensed adolescent drivers
Small female and large male responses in rear impact
The 5(th) percentile dummy in a 56 kmph full-frontal barrier crash test
The influence of harness type on child restraint system misuse
US Injury trends projected to 2012: the influence of an aging population