A Population-Based Study of Teenage Drivers: 1992-1996
Age Dependence of Female to Male Fatality Risk in the Same Crash: An Independent Reexamination
Age Differences in Road Crossing Decisions Based on Gap Judgements
An Evaluation of Red Shoulders As a Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility
Biomechanical Tolerance of Calcaneal Fractures
Driving Simulation With EEG Monitoring in Normals and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients
Estimation of Peak Blood Alcohol Concentration in Research and Highway Safety
Eye Injuries From Air Bags With Seamless Module Covers
Head and Neck Tension Biomechanical Models for Pediatric and Small Female Populations
Injuries in Near-Side Collisions
Large and Small Cars in Real-World Crashes: Patterns of Use, Collision Types, and Injury Outcomes
Mobility Impairments in Crash-Involved Older Drivers
Seated Weight Distribution of Adults and Children in Normal and Non-Normal Positions
The Assessment of Safe and Unsafe Turns by Young and Older Drivers
The Benefits and Costs of Ultraviolet Fluorescent Lighting
The Effect of Rest-Schedule Orientation on Sleep Quality of Commercial Drivers
The Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Statewide Study of Hospitalized Maryland Drivers
The United States Limits Drinking by Youth Under Age 21. Does This Reduce Fatal Crash Involvements?
Traffic Mortality in Germany Before, During, and After Reunification