A psychological profile of drivers convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol
Assessment of the cooperation between driver and vehicle automation: a framework
Driving and forgetting: why what we remember isn't what occured
Effect of driving distractions on driver mental workload in work zone's warning area
Improving drivers' merging performance in work zone using an in-vehicle audio warning
Improving young drivers' speed compliance through a single dose of feedback
Investigating driver uncertainty about lane change decisions
Look right! The influence of bicycle crossing design on drivers' approaching behavior
Motivational and deterrent effects of route attributes in cyclists' route choice
Short term memory and peripheral vision at junctions
Study on the influence factors of takeover behavior in automated driving based on survival analysis
The effect of safety attire on perceptions of cyclist dehumanisation
The influence of alcohol and automation on drivers' visual behavior during test track driving
Time-related aspects of commute well-being
Traffic safety effects of economic driving in trucking companies