Cross-culturally approaching the cycling behaviour questionnaire (CBQ): evidence from 19 countries
Driving around bends with or without shoulders: the influence of bend direction
Driving distraction at night: the impact of cell phone use on driving behaviors among young drivers
Driving self-regulation and risky driving outcomes
Eco driving as a road safety measure: before and after study of three companies
Effect of design factors on drivers' understanding of variable message signs locating traffic events
Field testing anti-speeding messages
Gaze tracking patterns on different types of traffic risk in early-stage Alzheimer's disease
Group cycling safety behaviours: a systematic review
Illusion of safety? Safety-related perceptions of pedestrians and car drivers around 3D crosswalks
Improved driver behaviour at bus stops on local roads: comparison of different treatments
Kano model of autonomous driving user acceptance according to driver characteristics: a survey study
Longer-term exposure vs training: their effect on drivers' mental models of ADAS technology
Multimodal travel behaviour, attitudes, and cognitive dissonance
Road safety behaviors: role of control beliefs and risk perception
Safer road users: Investigating the influence of PRIME road markings on motorcycle rider behaviour
The detection of vulnerable road users by younger and older drivers