Analysis of advanced driver assistance systems in police vehicles: a survey study
Can persuasive normative messages encourage sustainable transportation usage?
Characterization of visual scanning while driving for the identification of drivers' profiles
Cognitive behavior therapy for driving fear: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Driving examiners' views on data-driven assessment of test candidates: an interview study
Driving without memory: the strength of schema-consistent false memories
Factors affecting perceived safety and enjoyment based on driver experience
How do familiarity and fatal accidents affect acceptance of self-driving vehicles?
Psychometric adaptation of the driving cost and benefit scale in Chinese drivers
Public acceptance of driver state monitoring for automated vehicles: applying the UTAUT framework
Reliability of variable message signs information: a field experiment study in Chongqing
Safeguarding motorcyclists: trialing new PRIME road markings for casualty reduction
The effect of implementation intention on speeding and acceleration overtime: a simulator study
The impact of e-bus satisfaction on driving behaviour: a questionnaire-based study on e-bus drivers
The prevalence of in-vehicle driver distraction in moving traffic