A cross-cultural comparison of where drivers choose to look when viewing driving scenes
Autonomous vehicle safety: understanding perceptions of pedestrians and bicyclists
Communicating safety with drivers via dynamic message signs
Consequences of autonomous vehicles: ambivalent expectations and their impact on acceptance
Driver trust in and training for advanced driver assistance systems in real-world driving
Driver's avoidance characteristics to hazardous situations: a driving simulator study
Driving anger in Germany: validation of the driving anger scale for German drivers
Effect of multiple traffic information sources on route choice: a driving simulator study
How to improve the walking realm in a car-oriented city? (Dis)agreements between professionals
Impact of interface design on drivers' behavior in partially automated cars: an on-road study
Impressions after an automated mobility experience: an acceptance study
Mapping drivers' mental models of adaptive cruise control to performance
Objective and perceived risk in overtaking: the impact of driving context
On the way to autonomous driving: how age influences the acceptance of driver assistance systems
Repeated usage of a motorway automated driving function: automation level and behavioural adaption
Safety of autonomous vehicles: what are the insights from experienced industry professionals?
Should I Drive Today? Development of a daily driving decisions model for older adults
Student driver propensity to engage with distractions - a self-report survey
The effectiveness of "Soft-blocking" for reducing clicking on-screen while driving
What is the best way to promote cycling? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Who's more angry? Comparing driver anger and aggression within work and personal driving contexts