"Don't you want the dream?" Psycho-social determinants of car share adoption
Attitudes and behaviors associated with young drivers' texting and app use
Drink driving during the COVID-19 pandemic
Drivers' self-reported responses to a potentially realistic fabricated road sign message
Driving simulation sickness and the sense of presence: correlation and contributing factors
Ergonomic design improves cross-cultural road sign comprehension
Evaluating the impact of real-time coaching programs on drivers overtaking cyclists
Even experienced phone users drive worse while texting - a driving simulator study
Evidence that implementation intentions reduce drivers' use of mobile phones while driving
Exploratory factor analysis in transportation research: current practices and recommendations
External human-machine interfaces: effects of message perspective
Gender differences in the use of ADAS technologies: a systematic review
How to nudge drivers to reduce speed: the case of the left-digit effect
Intraindividual variability in driving simulator parameters of healthy drivers of different ages
Reducing optimism bias in the driver's seat: comparing two interventions
Staying on or getting off the sidewalk? Testing the Mehrabian-Russell Model on pedestrian behavior
The appraisal of roadway environment and infrastructure by drivers with autism: a qualitative study
The self-reported causes of sleepiness in shift-working tram and truck drivers