Adaptations in attention allocation: implications for takeover in an automated vehicle
Cognitive function and driving in middle adulthood: does age matter?
Construction and validation of a public bus passenger safety scale
Determinants of traveler satisfaction: evidence for non-linear and asymmetric effects
Effects of mixed traffic and elderly passengers on city bus drivers' work-related fatigue
Evaluation of the effects of daytime running lights for passenger cars
Factors associated with commuter satisfaction across travel time ranges
Factors related to rapid deceleration events among a large cohort of older drivers
Hands-free law in Georgia: predictors of post-law cellphone use among college drivers
HeartPy: a novel heart rate algorithm for the analysis of noisy signals
How does training effect users' attitudes and skills needed for highly automated driving?
How should autonomous vehicles overtake other drivers?
Modelling visual-vestibular integration and behavioural adaptation in the driving simulator
Offline motion simulation framework: optimizing motion simulator trajectories and parameters
Ontology-based adaptive testing for automated driving functions using data mining techniques
Physiological correlates of discomfort in automated driving
Public acceptance of driverless shuttles in Norway
Self-regulation of drivers' mobile phone use: the influence of driving context
The relationship between self and other in aggressive driving and driver behaviors across countries