A method to assess individualized driver models: descriptiveness, identifiability and realism
A real-time multisensor fusion verification framework for advanced driver assistance systems
A real-time, MPC-based motion cueing algorithm with look-ahead and driver characterization
A simulation framework for cooperative intelligent transport systems testing and evaluation
A street-crossing simulator for studying and training pedestrians
A testing framework for predictive driving features with an electronic Horizon
An innovative real-time test setup for ADAS's based on vehicle cameras
Analysis of driving behavior at expressway toll plazas
Comparison between filter- and optimization-based motion cueing algorithms for driving simulation
Cooperation between driver and automated driving system: implementation and evaluation
Creating headlight glare in a driving simulator
Defining the kinematic requirements for a theoretical driving simulator
Driver behavior in mixed and virtual reality - a comparative study
Driver situation awareness - investigating the effect of passenger experience
Measuring and modeling driver steering behavior: from compensatory tracking to curve driving
Model of realism score for immersive VR systems
Multi-player online simulated driving game to improve hazard perception
Predictive shared steering control for driver override in automated driving: a simulator study
Research on an innovative multifunction steering wheel for individuals with reduced mobility
Time-varying perceived motion mismatch due to motion scaling in curve driving simulation
Tires and vertical dynamics of wheeled mobile driving simulators
Using a dynamic driving simulator for perception-based powertrain development