"I wouldn't even sit on one." Relevant attitudes towards tricycles for adults
A performance analysis of In-Car Music engagement as an indication of driver distraction and risk
Allocation of attention in familiar and unfamiliar traffic scenarios
Cognitive underpinnings of beliefs and confidence in beliefs about fully automated vehicles
Designing road safety interventions for young drivers - the power of peer influence
Do low levels of confidence suppress the tendency to violate?
E-hail (rideshare) knowledge, use, reliance, and future expectations among older adults
Empirical analysis of travellers' routine choice of means of transport in Barcelona, Spain
Factors associated with cyclists' self-reported choice of lane position
Factors influencing intentions to text while driving among Polish drivers
Instruction-prompted objective behaviors as proxy for subjective measures in a driving simulator
Measuring risky driving behaviours among young drivers: development of a scale for the Oman setting
Motivations and barriers to bicycle commuting: lessons from Poland
Professional drivers' fatigue as a problem of the modern era
Red light running by young motorcyclists: factors and beliefs influencing intentions and behavior
Spontaneous order of pedestrian and vehicle intersection conflicts in the Indian context
Study of drivers' salient beliefs and intention to comply with speed limits on urban roads
Tactical steering behaviour under irrevocable visual occlusion
The effectiveness of an intervention to promote active travel modes in early adolescence
Traffic risk perception and behavioral intentions of paratransit users in Phnom Penh
Transitioning to manual driving requires additional time after automation deactivation
Visual processing in expert drivers: what makes expert drivers expert?