Analysis of illegal pedestrian crossing behavior on a major divided arterial road
Caffeine reduces the impact of drowsiness on driving errors
Cyclist efficiency and its dependence on infrastructure and usual speed
Detecting drivers' cognitive load from saccadic intrusion
Deterrence of drug driving: the impact of the ACT drug driving legislation and detection techniques
Effect of electronic device use while driving on cardiovascular reactivity
Farther and safer: an illusion engendered by incapability?
Implicit evaluations about driving skills predicting driving performance
Media influence on perception of driving risk and behaviors of adolescents and emerging adults
Motivating and deterring factors for two common traffic-rule violations of cyclists in Germany
New systems-based method to conduct analysis of road traffic accidents
Participants' perceptions of smartphone travel surveys
Personality factors are associated with simulated driving outcomes across the driving lifespan
The effect of driver improvement interventions on crash involvement; has it been under-estimated?
The role of system description for conditionally automated vehicles
When do drivers conform? When do they deviate?
Women's everyday mobility: frightening situations and their impacts on travel behaviour