A comprehensive analysis of factors leading to speeding offenses among large-truck drivers
Accounting for the Theory of Planned Behaviour in departure time choice
Breaking the habit: does fracturing your wrist change your travel and driver behaviour?
Comparison of contributing factors in hit-and-run crashes with distracted and non-distracted drivers
Driving performance while using a mobile phone: a simulation study of Greek professional drivers
Dynamic traffic management on a familiar road: failing to detect changes in variable speed limits
Effects of visual roll on steering control and gaze behavior in a motorcycle simulator
Identifying factors for traffic safety support in older drivers
Imagery-inducing distraction leads to cognitive tunnelling and deteriorated driving performance
Impulsivity and driver behaviors, offences and accident involvement: a systematic review
Safe travel: passenger assessment of trust and safety during seafaring
Self-reported engagement in driver distraction: an application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour